Vaginal Dryness, Soreness, Burning, Itching or Painful Intercourse following Menopause.

Ovesse relieves and treats the cause of vaginal symptoms following the menopause.

New Ovesse 1mg/g Vaginal Cream Estriol Pack

Talk to your Boots pharmacist to see if Ovesse
is suitable for you…

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New Ovesse 1mg/g Vaginal Cream Estriol Pack

Vaginal Dryness, Soreness, Burning, Itching or Painful Intercourse following Menopause.

Ovesse relieves and treats the cause of vaginal symptoms following the menopause.

Ovesse Hero Woman

Talk to your Boots pharmacist to see if Ovesse is suitable for you…

Time to say yes to ovesse?

The only vaginal oestrogen cream available without prescription

Ovesse is used to treat the symptoms of vaginal atrophy due to the menopause in women over 50 years who have not had a period for at least 1 year.

Oestrogen Levels Decline

During the menopause, women’s oestrogen levels reduce, changing vaginal health, making the walls of the vagina thinner and dryer which may lead to vaginal symptoms that include dryness, soreness, itching, burning sensation or painful sexual intercourse.

These symptoms are known as vaginal atrophy. Although around half of all postmenopausal women will experience at least one of them, many women will not talk about their symptoms or seek professional help.

Click here to find out more about Vaginal Atrophy.

Ovesse Replaces Lost Oestrogen

Available without a prescription in-store and online exclusively at Boots. Your Boots pharmacist will ensure the product is suitable for you. Ovesse is a prescription-strength vaginal cream that contains estriol, a naturally occurring oestrogen hormone. The cream is applied directly to the vagina using a reusable applicator. Ovesse replaces the oestrogen that is no longer produced by the ovaries post menopause.

Ovesse relieves the symptoms of vaginal atrophy by treating the cause – the reduction of oestrogen levels that occur post menopause.

Click here to find out more about how Ovesse works.

UK-EST-05-24-00004 October 2024